Art Café: Rachel Ruysch, the forgotten Dutch master
May 13 - May 13
5:30-7 p.m.

Local artists Sharon Habib and Meghan Sharir will lead a stimulating discussion exploring the question: Why did history forget the Dutch master, Rachel Ruysch? Ruysch, a contemporary of Rembrandt, was the most successful artist of her time. Learn about her extraordinary work and success and enjoy a discussion about how art can be so valued and then forgotten. Sharon and Meghan will provide context and prompts to help spark conversation.
No prior knowledge is necessary - just curiosity, an interest in art, and an open mind. This is the perfect opportunity to connect with fellow artists, creatives, and art lovers. Come for the conversation, stay for the inspiration, and leave with new insights.
Come for the conversation, stay for the inspiration, and leave with new insights (and maybe even a new friend!). Tea and cookies will be served.
Ferry Building Gallery, 1414 Argyle Avenue
Cost: $5
Register at 604-925-7270 (course # 189834 ) or Register here