Painters' Landing

April 1 - October 31
Daily, 9 a.m.–9 p.m.

This program provides artists with an opportunity to create in public spaces. While not designed as a retail venue, artists are welcome to sell works on-site, provided they are actively creating art as well.  


This program applies to three areas:

  • the grounds surrounding the Ferry Building Gallery
  • the east side of Millennium Park (east of 15th Street on Argyle Avenue)
  • Ambleside Park (foot of 13th Street only)

Please note:

  • locations will move to accommodate the Harmony Arts Festival between July 26 and August 17
  • occasionally weddings and other activities receive permits for the grass spaces approved for Painters’ Landing—permit holders will be notified of these times via email; unfortunately, there will be no extension of permits for the hours that are unavailable for Painters’ Landing use


$315 for season + GST – pay for the entire season and save

$55 per month + GST – choose your months and pay as you go

Payment is due after your application is approved and must be paid in full before receiving the permit. 

How to apply for a permit 

Submit a completed application form and three photographs or images of your recent work to the Ferry Building Gallery either by email or mail/delivery to: [email protected] or 1414 Argyle Avenue, West Vancouver, BC, V7T 1C2.

Note: your images may be used by the District of West Vancouver to promote Painters’ Landing

Download application form

Applicant qualifications
  • artists must be 19 years of age or, if under 19, an adult responsible for the artist must purchase the permit
  • artists must hold the legal right to work in Canada (have a SIN)
  • artists must be a resident of BC

Once an application has been approved, artists can register by phone at 604-925-7270 or online at the links below.

Seasonal permit (April–October): course #186671. Register online.
April 2025: (#186672) Register online.
May 2025:  (#186673) Register online.
June 2025: (#186674) Register online.

Allowed mediums and subject matter

All work must be original by the artist assigned to the permit. Allowable work includes:

  • 2-dimensional work: including watercolour, oil, acrylic, pastel, charcoal, pencil, ink
  • spray paint, newsprint, crafts, and cards are not permitted
  • 3-dimensional art: sculpture only
  • photographers: may exhibit only one master print at one time; and must provide model releases when applicable
  • printmakers: may exhibit handmade limited-edition prints produced by the artist from the original plate
  • subject matter must be limited to that suitable for all ages
  • (no graphic scenes of violence or overt sexuality)

Exhibit area size and restrictions 

The intent of Painters’ Landing is to exhibit and demonstrate the process of producing art.

  • Spaces are on a first-come basis
  • Each artist is limited to a 12x12’ space
  • Artists must display the 2025 Permit Holder Sign issued to them
  • Artists may display a card (maximum 10x10”) with their name, address, phone, email, social media handles, and website information
  • Standard art easels or approved display stand are to be used to display work—no portable walls or booths. The easel top must not exceed 1.5 m (5’) in height. Pre-approval is required for small tables.
  • Artists may use a patio umbrella (maximum 9’) with a stand that holds water or sand. Tents and canopies not permitted.
  • No art or equipment may be set up on pavement—please set up artwork at least 6’ away from walkways
  • Artists must not leave stands unattended for extended periods of time. Staff may remove easels and equipment left unattended for a period of more than 30 minutes at any one time
Regulations related to artists' activity
  •  artists must wear a lanyard identifying themselves as a permitted artist
  • artists must observe all the Parks bylaws, including no animals, barbecues, electric or generated lighting, or amplified sound is allowed
  • artists will be cordial and respectful of other artists and their work
  • artists will not pressure the public to buy any work, matting, or packaging
  • artists will not enter another artist’s area to pursue or solicit customers.


Please observe all parking bylaws, including time limits. All day parking is available in Ambleside Park; and on streets north of Clyde Avenue. The District does not issue or sell parking permits. Please use loading zones to drop off art and supplies so as not to cause congestion or disruption to traffic or pedestrians.

Artists who do not abide by the regulations and restrictions listed above will receive a warning letter from the District. A second infraction will result in forfeiture of the permit. The District reserves the right to revoke the artist’s permit immediately if the artist’s behavior is egregiously incompatible with these guidelines.